Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Maxey To my Sweet Boy, Remember when you. . . . . .escaped your very first morning with us and Scott found you in the passenger seat of a pickup truck in the next subdivision? . . .swiped a stick of butter from the dining room table and some buns from the counter (never saw you eat SO FAST)? . . .got bored one Christmas and ate some of Marcia’s gifts you found under the tree -- unopened boxes of chocolates and tealight candles AND ironically chewed up a corner of her “Marley” book? . . .would bark excitedly whenever you heard the beginning of “Hooked on a Feeling” by Blue Swede and the horses whinnying at the end of “Sleigh Bells”? . . .were so ready for a walk in the morning as soon as I turned off the hairdryer and again at night as soon as dinner dishes were done and the kitchen sink light turned off? Even though our hearts are broken and it’s very lonely without you, we are so happy you’ve been reunited with Katey (a “Match Made in Heaven” once more) at the Rainbow Bridge, and know that someday we’ll all be together again. Maxey 10/31/2001 – 03/10/2016 |