Luca's Web Page

Labrador Retriever / Greyhound / Mixed (short coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Young  : :  Large

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About Luca

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Yellow
  • Color: Blonde with a tanner mask
  • Eye Color: Copper
  • Ear Type: Natural/Uncropped
  • Tail Type: Curled
  • Current Size: 51 Pounds
  • Current Age: 2 Years 8 Months (born on 12/28/2021)
  • Fence Required: No
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Obedience Training Needed: Has Basic Training
  • Exercise Needs: Low
  • Grooming Needs: Not Required
  • Shedding Amount: Moderate
  • Owner Experience Needed: Species
  • Reaction to New People: Cautious

People! You are missing out on a loveable boy. Luca has so many typical Labrador behaviors, he loves to play and will self-entertain for short periods of time. He likes to cuddle, doesn’t get up on the furniture, is good with cats, dogs and kids, completely potty trained, crate trained, doesn’t counter surf or garbage dive, and you’ll never be lonely in the bathroom. He can be goofy and entertaining. He knows sit, stay, kennel, and give. His leash manners are great when he is on a Halti/Gentle leader collar. He knows to chill out when you’re working, has free roam at night and has earned free roam for short periods when no one is home.

If you don’t have a fenced yard, it is still workable. If he is engaged with you and recognizes you as his person he isn’t going anywhere. He is completely trainable, he does want to please you.
Luc-da-loo is a good boy that has gotten a short stick in his relatively short life. Please show him some love and ask about him, check him out.

The Vet said I looked awesome and recovered fantastically from the surgery. Of course, he said I was such a good boy while I was checked out and I soaked up all the attention the Vet and techs gave me. As a reward for recovery and being such a good boy my foster Mom took me and my foster fur-siblings to a fenced park so I could stretch my legs. I got to run! I was so happy! The walks are great and all, but getting to really stretch out sure is fun.

Over the July 4th weekend I stayed at another foster home, with a cone on, that had 2 other dogs, a cat and 3 kids. I was such a good boy for them and the cat didn't give 2 farts that I was there and I didn't care that the cat was there either - win/win.

While meeting all the new bodies was great, I still know that they weren't my people, my people have yet to find me and I'm trying very hard to be patient. I may not look overly Labbie, but I am so eager to please, love to get affection, and am now very food motivated now that my tummy isn't full of junk. I've never gotten into human stuff while in foster care and I haven't eaten the toys here either.

I've graduated to having complete full roam at night, and my foster Mom is so pleased with my behavior. I'm still learning not to jump on people, not that I'm doing a body slam or anything, I just want to be sure I've got your attention. Foster Mom says its not needed and not really polite.

Luca here…well, I had a bit of an adventure this past week that no one wants to go through. Long story short my Foster Mom got me to the Vet thinking I had an obstruction and an x-ray was done that showed a bucket of gas in the intestines and some foreign fiber content and maybe a piece of metal.

Turns out I had a honking big obstruction that pretty much filled my entire tummy and had started getting into my intestines. The Vet says the mess had been in there for a loonnnggg time, before I came into foster care, it looked to be an accumulation of toy debris and plastic. My Foster Mama says she is relieved she didn't miss something when I was self-entertaining with toys here, but is not happy with whoever my previous people were.

The ER staff were ever so nice to me and gave me pets whenever they could and on Sunday afternoon were able to give me small amounts of rice and chicken - I ate like there was no tomorrow. My foster parents came to visit me and I cuddled into them and soaked up all the love I could get.

I was given another small meal and kept it down. Since I was doing so well with keeping food down and pottying like I should I was able to come back to my foster home late last night. I have some recovery time and have to wear a rotten cone because I'm too flexible for a donut. Foster Mom is complaining about bruised legs and my foster siblings have come to check me out, but after I bopped them with the cone a couple of times, they are a little wary of me moving around them.

As you can imagine the surgery isn't inexpensive and because I had to go the ER to save my life it added to the cost. Will you please help with my Veterinary costs?

My feelings are little hurt that no one has asked about me. Foster Mom keeps telling me I've been really easy to have, and while I do love it here, I just know there is a family that will just please give me a chance.  I may not look just like a Labrador, but my giving heart, eager to please demeanor and love for affection is just the same.

My foster Dad is a bit goofy, now I get,  "Luukkee, I am your Father" as a greeting - I just don't know what's coming, but he's fun as he likes to play tug with me and he actually had me fly like an airplane because I was having so much fun! Foster Mom has played fetch with me and my foster fur siblings all going at once and I never once talked back when one of them beat me to the ball, even though she had 3 different toys going every which way so someone had something. We've played one on one too and I bring the ball back, but sometimes she has to tell me to "drop it" (did I mention I love to play tug?) and I do.

I just keep soaking up the love here, I really love the petting and will lay on my foster Dad's feet sometimes. My Foster Mom tweaked her knee this past weekend so I didn't get a walk for a couple of days and was I ever a good boy for everyone. Leash walking is pretty nice I get out and about and see what's going on and Foster Mom is walking 3 of us at once and people keep commenting on how well we are all behaving. I know the routines so I crash out while she works. My "stay/wait" has come along really well.  I rarely make a peep in the crate. My foster parents say I've earned extra freedoms, so after my foster Dad leaves for work when its still dark out, I get free roam until my Foster Mom gets up at 6 and I have behaved myself most excellently.

Foster Mom says I'm all legs and stand taller than my foster fur siblings, but I'm relatively light weight. When I'm outside I sure can get the zoomies on as I know not to do that inside. I do need work on my recall when I'm outside in the great wide open though. We went to the dog park during a quiet time so we had the back 4 acres all to ourselves that let me just stretch my legs out and I kept doing a run through to check on where everyone was. Turns out I don't mind the weeds at all, I was just being a good boy because I was on leash before. I'm still a good boy off leash, I just need 5 minutes to stretch my legs and I'll circle back to you to check and then I'm off again and I keep circling back as I really don't want to lose you.

I was a really good boy at the Vet's office to make sure I was up to date on my vaccination. Both the Vet and one of the Vet techs said they each had a sibling they were going to tell them about me. I'm cautious about new situations and I am still hesitant about getting into a car, but I'm a very good rider.

Don't you want my soulful eyes gazing at you?

My foster Dad keeps singing this when he greets me each day when he comes home from work.

"My name is Luca
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes, I think you've seen me before"

I guess his age is showing. He's pretty cool, likes to play tug with me, although I sound like I'm going to tear him a new one when we play, it's just me being vocal. My oldest foster fur-sibling gets really grouchy if I bark in her face when I'm playing and then my foster Mom says it isn't polite to bark in anyone's face. *Sigh* I'm learning. Foster Mom says I'm a teenager and still need some education, but I've been really easy to take care of during my "layover" until I get a new family.

I'm potty and crate trained, I know "sit", working on the command "kennel" and "wait" - although that last one is tough when I've got food sitting in front of my paws. My leash manners are pretty dang good when I'm on a Halti collar. I've learned a lot of the routines here, so I know when the lights start getting turned off at night, I head right over to my crate after I potty outside, it doesn't hurt that I get a nibble to two for reward. I'm loving the daily walks, although I'm not so sure about being in the woods on weedy trails - foster Mom says I must be a city boy. I'd be an awesome jogging companion but its not necessary for that level of activity for me to be a good boy for you, but walks are pretty nice to get out and about so I'll settle down nicely for you to work. I'll self- entertain myself for a stretch with toys too.

I'd really love it if there was someone to be my very own and pet me a lot. Foster Mom says my spine is pretty bendy as I curve right over the sofa cushion with my butt on the floor to get pets. I also like to make sure she isn't alone when she goes to the bathroom - she seems to get a little bothered by the fact that there are 3 of us sitting at her feet wanting attention while she is doing her business - she says just because she is the only human in the house at that moment doesn't mean she is lonely.

Having foster fur siblings is great entertainment when we are outside, I know not to bother them inside, they seem to want to be left alone then, but outside is fair game. I used to live with a couple of kids, so I'm good to go there, but I don't know about cats. Foster Mom says I haven't shown much prey drive when we are out and about. New situations can be a bit scary for me, so I'm cautious there and big guys are like "whoa, boy" so I might have a bit of stress pee if a big guy comes at me too quick. When my foster Dad comes home, I crouch at the top of the stairs until he starts to sing and then I'm good to go.

Both of my foster parents say my biggest annoyance for them is that I can have a low-grade whine, but its tapered off as I get more and more used to what is going on here.

C'mon, give me a chance. I can be your bestest boy!


Hey, hey, hey - Luca here!

I'm a 2.5y.o. male Labbie mix, my foster parents think with Greyhound, due to my slightly longer, narrower snout, whippy curled tail, short thin coat, legginess, and the way my ears sit - but I don't know and I'm not telling!

Right now I'm still decompressing from the shelter, I was left there because my previous people said they were moving. The word is I'm a bit skittish with new situations and men, but foster Mom says she sees the new situations, but I was super stressed out at the shelter, but man-shy is questionable right now, because when my foster Dad sat down on the deck step I snuggled right into him and the did the total Labbie lean on him so I could be in contact and get my belly rubbed.

I'm sucking up all the love I can get right now and am absolutely loving the daily walks - I need an outlet so I don't bug my foster fur siblings too much and so foster Mom can work - but they are girls, psshhtt, lame-o.

Stay tuned for more as I learn the ropes!

More about Luca

Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Somewhat vocal, Does Good in the Car, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Plays fetch, Likes to play with toys, Obedient, Playful, Timid, Skittish, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Even-tempered

Videos of Luca:

Other Pictures of Luca (click to see larger version):

Luca Luca Luca Luca
Luca Luca Luca Luca