Trixie's Web Page

Labrador Retriever (short coat)  : :  Female (spayed)  : :  Adult  : :  Large

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Learn more about the Labrador Retriever.


About Trixie

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Tail Type: Long
  • Current Size: 70 Pounds
  • Potential Size: 70 Pounds
  • Current Age: 16 Years 9 Months (born on 5/10/2008)
  • Fence Required: No
  • Declawed: No
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Obedience Training Needed: Needs Training
  • Exercise Needs: High
  • Grooming Needs: Not Required
  • Shedding Amount: Moderate
  • Owner Experience Needed: Breed
  • Reaction to New People: Friendly


Trixie's medical hold was done in March.  She was spayed 3/12/13.  She is available for adoption & presently has a meet with a family.

Medical Hold

2/9/13 Trixie continues to recover from her mid-December hip surgery.  She is using her left leg pretty often & running & playing like she should be.  My dogs have shown her how to play, and it really is a beautiful sight.  You could see the confusion on her face when they first danced around her & wrestled with each other.  Now she is in the thick of the play & chase games.

We were very pleasantly surprised to find that Trixie does not need to be crated while we’re gone.  She is crate-trained, but she does well without one, too.  Also, she has never had an accident in the house despite her supposed outside living prior to her arrival into LEARN.  She continues to get accustomed to smooth flooring and mostly is fine with it.  She is super curious about a new stray cat that has shown up, and she really wants to play with him, but he’s too shy to let her get close.  She is fine with our cats.    

Trixie is on hold until mid-March as she is currently in heat.  She is scheduled to be spayed March 12th.

12/18/12 Trixie’s surgery didn’t go as planned due to significant muscle atrophy.  Dr. Frame was unable to move her femur back into place, so he changed to an FHO (femoral head ostectomy) as a salvage procedure.  Trixie should still have decent mobility in her leg once she is healed.  She is doing well in general (eating, drinking) although having some trouble getting used to the e collar.  Rest & pain management are the priorities right now.

12/17/12 Trixie is having surgery today to correct her dislocated hip. Dr. Frame is going to manipulate the bone back into the socket & then thread a wire with a toggle pin through the joint & attach it to the pelvis to stabilize the joint. It's a significant surgery, but Trixie is healthy & strong, so I am hoping she'll come through it with ease. I expect to have her back home tonight.

12/17/12  Trixie has settled in nicely over the past week. She took everything in stride and let my pack show her what to do. She and Midnight (one of my many LEARN foster failures) have started playing together which is so nice to see. Pain medication has allowed Trixie to relax and show her true happy personality. She wasn't on any pain meds when she arrived, but my Vet agreed that they were necessary for a while. She now sleeps through the night instead of pacing & panting.

Trixie is a 5 year old purebred black Lab.  She has a dislocated left hip that may require surgical intervention.  She is a hunting dog & has spent her entire life outside.  She is good with dogs and cats.  Her previous family said she was good with kids.  She is tall & 70-75 pounds.

More about Trixie

Good with Some Dogs (No small, large, female, male dogs), Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Good for Seniors/Elderly, Good with farm animals, Somewhat vocal, Does Good in the Car, Hypoallergenic, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Plays fetch, Likes to play with toys, Likes to swim, Likes to be in your lap, Drools, Apartment OK, Prefers cool climate, Prefers warm climate, Protective, Needs special care, Obedient, Playful, Timid, Skittish, Independent, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle, Goofy, Not good with small dogs

Other Pictures of Trixie (click to see larger version):
