Labrador Retriever (medium coat) : : Female (spayed) : : Adult : : Medium Learn more about the Labrador Retriever.
11/5/2022 It’s me again! I’m healing nicely and loving the extra walks! I get my X-rays done in a couple of weeks. My foster mom keeps reminding me to take it easy, but what does she know? I feel good, but I’m glad she cares. If all goes well with X-rays I’ll be ready to start meeting potential families soon. Seizure meds seem to be doing the job, so I’m super thankful for that, too!
10/4/2022 My TPLO surgery is done and was successful! The doctor was very thankful that I didn’t have any seizures while recovering. I’m just so excited because my staples are out and I’m ready to start with my controlled leash walks. My foster mom has had to be extra strict because let’s be honest, I feel great and I want to run, jump, and play. My foster mom was so proud of how well I took my pain meds. She also is glad my seizures have been under control with medication. I’m thankful for that too! I continue to enjoy the snuggles and all the love I’m getting! I can’t wait to meet my forever family! I’m really hoping that they can be at home with me a lot, as I will love being around them so much!
9/13/2022 Hi Lola here! My foster mom got the news that she didn’t want and I do have a ACL tear. I’ve shown my foster family the last 5 weeks that it doesn’t seem to bother me, so both were shocked to hear the news. In the last 5 weeks, I’ve been to the dog park and I loved being in a fenced in area so I could smell all the smells and run free. My foster mom did notice that I need to work on my recall skills, and she feels that I would do best with a fenced in yard. The first few weeks in my foster family, I did have some separation anxiety, but I’ve improved over time and am doing well with having to go in my crate while my foster parents are at work. I also don’t follow my foster mom as much because I’m learning to trust her. I have been to doggie daycare and I enjoy that, but the best is when I get to go to my foster papa’s house. There I get to play with Millie (2 year old yellow lab) and my foster papa takes me on lots of walks throughout the day. Millie and I LOVE to wrestle and play. There have been a few times that I have had a couple accidents in the house. I will pace and even whine if I have to go outside. My foster brother and sister (12yr old lab and 5 yr old lab) have set a great example for me, and I’m beginning to understand what a schedule is. When it’s 5:56 I know to start pacing because it’s almost dinner time. I love when mom says “bedtime” because that means I get to snuggle with her. She usually calls me a noodle because when I’m sleeping I don’t want to move, and she has to slide or lift me to move me. Mom says I’m amazing at snuggling. I get to snuggle with mom for a few hours, and after that dad let’s me out and then puts me in my crate and I will sleep about 6 hours in there. I love the bed and crate, so either work for me. I also like to sleep in dad’s recliner. Overall, I’m loving all the attention and know I’ll get excellent care and rehab after my surgery. UPDATE: We have found a foster for Lola. They are previous adopters and have been through 4 TPLO surgeries. Thank you everyone that reached out.
7/16/2022 Hey, I’m Lola! I’m about 2 years old! And pretty beautiful, right? I came to L.E.A.R.N. in late May from a Shelter in Illinois. The gentleman who surrendered me told the shelter that he had only taken me from my previous owner to help “them” out, and never intended to keep me, then I began having seizures. I’ve been hanging out at my foster home since and have not had any more seizures now that I’m on medication. Good news is my medication only costs $13 a month from Costco! But…It seems I can’t catch a break. Foster mom noticed I was limping some, so I had an x-ray and it turns out my left CCL is torn and I’m going to need surgery. Here's the tricky part… my current foster home is not equipped to handle the rehab from the surgery, so L.E.A.R.N. is looking for someone that may be willing to foster me through the surgery and rehab, or even BETTER, foster to adopt me and L.E.A.R.N. will cover the cost of the surgery and vet bills while in foster care. If you think you might want to help me, PLEASE reach out to L.E.A.R.N. at .
More about LolaGood with Dogs, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Does Good in the Car, Cratetrained, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent